Somawurks by Jay

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Phone Icon (904) 716.8342

        FL MA21634 | MM15287

Jay A. Terry LMT,CNMT

Licensed Massage - Certified Neuromuscular Therapist

A massage and bodywork therapist specializing in advanced soft-tissue rehabilitation techniques.

(904) 716.8342

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"I would definitely recommend Jay for his services. For several years I've utilized his skills and he's been an absolute life-saver for me at times. He's extremely knowledgeable within his field. So if you're looking for a practitioner who will support and promote good health... Jay is your massage therapist."
Angela Holden - Construction Project coordinator | Baptist M D Anderson

"I would definitely recommend Jay for his services. I have utilized his skills for several years and he's been an absolute life-saver for me at times. He's extremely knowledgeable within his field. So if you're looking for a practitioner who will support and promote good health... Jay is your massage therapist."

 - Angela Holden
Construction Project Coordinator Baptist | M D Anderson

"I would definitely recommend Jay for his services. I have utilized his skills for several years and he's been an absolute life-saver for me at times. He's extremely knowledgeable within his field. So if you're looking for a practitioner who will support and promote good health... Jay is your massage therapist."

 - Angela Holden
Construction Project Coordinator Baptist | M D Anderson

"I would definitely recommend Jay for his services. I have utilized his skills for several years and he's been an absolute life-saver for me at times. He's extremely knowledgeable within his field. So if you're looking for a practitioner who will support and promote good health... Jay is your massage therapist."

 - Angela Holden
Construction Project Coordinator Baptist | M D Anderson

Total Body Wellness & Healing

Effective Massage & Bodywork Therapy

Massage is an excellent way to help your body recover after a particularly taxing workout or day at work. Count on Somawürks by Jay to ensure you get the care you need to fully recover, faster.


In addition to therapeutic massage - chair massage is another option available to corporate clients looking to provide their employees an opportunity to refresh & recharge during work.


Treat your body to better health and wellness today with a revitalizing massage session.

(904) 716.8342


Get the relief you deserve from the hands of a professional massage therapist with over twenty years of experience. Call today to schedule your appointment.

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Phone or Text:
(904) 716.8342

Operating Hours:

Mon. thru Friday:       9:00a.m. - 7:00p.m.
Saturday:                 11:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.
(After hours appointments: Additional $20 applied.)

1946 Landon Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32207


Massage Table


AMTA Male and Female Figures Florida State Massage Therapy Assn.


about somawÜrks

At Somawürks by Jay of Jacksonville, Florida you'll have access to advanced forms of massage and bodywork therapy, helping to ensure that you can enjoy more energy and less lethargy. Jay A. Terry is a licensed massage-certified neuromuscular therapist with more than 28 years of experience. "Soma" is the body as a whole, while "würks" is a private facility dedicated to advanced massage and bodywork therapy. Here, you won't find a typical spa therapist.

 Jay's approach to bodywork is much more alligned with physical therapy, kinesiology and exercise physiology. He specializes in the treatment of soft-tissue muscular injuries caused by prolonged exposure to repetitive movements, dysfunctional posturing, high-impact exercise/sports, and sedentary lifestyles. Since 1996 Jay has been serving the health needs of the greater Jacksonville area including St. Augustine and Fernandina. 

• FL MA21634 • FL MM15287

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